
Core Experience
Parameter Editing Overview Page
Real-time Write in(Action)
Seamless Real-Time Updates
Automated seamless integration reduces steps and simplifies operations, allowing users to view write-in status in real time.
Previous solution:
Users face long, uncertain wait times for real-time write-in, compounded by the need to navigate multiple pages to complete the workflow.
Manual Write in
Streamlined Batch Writing Process
Users can streamline batch writing with a popup component that provides clear feedback, ensuring transparency and confirming the success of the write operation.
Previous solution:
Users were often unable to track the batch data write status or understand the reasons for any failures.
New- Comparison Mode
New- Comparison Mode
The hardware designer of Rapid Link X informed us
"Our application has been in use for nearly ten years.
As competitor products have continuously evolved and improved, we face the challenge of completely overhauling a product that was designed almost a decade ago to meet modern standards. Our goal is to significantly enhance the work efficiency of customer engineers, improve the overall usability of the product, and create compelling selling points."
Recorded Sessions
Get Real-Time Feedback!
Our recorded session experience is designed to consolidate scattered recording operations into the left-side workspace. Once the left-side operations are completed, the waveform panel begins real-time recording.
Oscilloscope Feature
Optimize Your Workflow!
Create Seamless Waveform Channel Card Components and Oscilloscope Panels to Minimize Context Switching
Erro Page
Instant Fault Alerts
When a VFD malfunction occurs, the system will first navigate to the error page, prompting you to check for any fault alarms. It provides detailed fault information and potential solutions.
So, what exactly is the problem?
Research Finding
Defining Key Functional Workflows from Research Insights
Rapid Link X Parameter Editing workflows
Rapid Link X Monitor workflows