23 -Internship
Design type:
Mobile Design
Product designer
3 Months
Go to Deck
2023 Internship
Large Stateholders
What is DIDI FOOD?
DIDI Food is a leading food delivery platform under DiDi Chuxing, exclusively serving the Latin American market, including Mexico and Brazil. With a rapidly growing user base, it has become one of the top food delivery apps in the region.
In the fall of 2023, as a Product Design Intern, I contributed to several 2C and 2D projects at DIDI Food.
My contributions included:
Optimizing the dish specification menu by implementing a motion design solution to collapse overly long menus.
Enhancing the shopping cart experience by increasing the exposure of combo meals on the product detail and shopping cart pages, resulting in a projected 2.8% GMV increase.
Defining the icon and illustration visual framework for the entire product and developing execution plans.
Coordinating with developers across multiple projects to ensure smooth releases in the next version by creating detailed walkthrough documents.

Project 2-Improving User Flow in Lengthy Dish Customization Pages
The dish customization pages on DIDI Food were frustrating for users. The menus were too long, requiring a lot of scrolling, and the lack of visual cues made it difficult to quickly choose options. This led to a poor experience, making it harder for users to customize their meals easily, resulting in fewer completed purchases. As part of DIDI Food’s focus on improving the food business in 2023, fixing these issues became essential to making the platform easier and more enjoyable to use.
My Role
UX Lead — Interaction Design, Visual Design
Design Goal
1- Increase the efficiency of adding items to the cart and improve user satisfaction with the combo selection process.
2- Boost the click-through rate for combo meals, encouraging more users to add them to their orders.
3-Create a better user experience than our competitors, making DIDI Food more enjoyable and easy to use.
Solution Showcase
Feature 1-必选项Tag的visualization和Tag状态animation
Previous solution on PC:

Previous solution on PC:
为了了解当前的情况,我查看了 4 个关于DIDI FOOD中的点单工作流和视觉体验的 UX 研究资料
1/ Access Friction
Menus with too many options and no auto-collapse make it harder for users to navigate and complete their selections.
2/ Completion Uncertainty
Lack of clear indicators for finished selections leaves users unsure and leads to unnecessary re-checks.
3/ Missed Requirements
Insufficient prompts for required items cause users to skip essential choices, impacting order accuracy.
4/ Engagement Gaps
Absence of visual cues like “Popular” tags reduces item appeal and fails to guide user choices effectively.
Reviewing Existing Design
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How is the ordering experience with competing products?
Competitive Analysis
To gain a deeper understanding of the current dish customization experience, I conducted a competitive analysis of the two most popular apps in Latin America. While both applications have similar information structures, they also show distinct differences in key areas of the customization experience. I began by analyzing these similarities and differences to uncover unique insights.

Design Exploration
Feature 1-Tag visuaization /Tag animation
01-The Visual Optimization of Mandatory Option Labels
My mentor and I led the creation of user flows, considering both current and potential features. By analyzing these flows, the team identified pain points in the current user journey and addressed them through redesign, reordering, and the addition of new interactions. Our prior experience allowed us to quickly develop low-fidelity prototypes.

[Discoverability] Strength Assessment Criteria:
01. Level of prominence (contrast strength between the element and the page)
02. Visual clutter (the number of similar elements on the same page)
[Recognizability] Strength Assessment Criteria:
01. Contrast strength between text and background
How is the ordering experience with competing products?
To gain a deeper understanding of the current dish customization experience, I conducted a competitive analysis of the two most popular apps in Latin America. While both applications have similar information structures, they also show distinct differences in key areas of the customization experience. I began by analyzing these similarities and differences to uncover unique insights.

My mentor and I led the creation of user flows, considering both current and potential features. By analyzing these flows, the team identifie

My mentor and I led the creation of user flows, considering both current and potential features. By analy

02-Menu Specification Selections and Auto-Collapsing interaction
Feature 1-Tag visuaization /Tag animation
整个菜单规格页面, 规格由单选和多选两个部分组成, 我们希望通过改善动效交互体验来减少用户漏选和信息过载的问题,从而提升用户选择菜品规格的流畅度.

Feature 1-Tag visuaization /Tag animation
Auto-Collapsing interaction
01. Dynamic Spacing Adjustment After Collapsing

02. Auto-Positioning of the Recently Selected Option

03- Warning for Unselected Required Fields
整个菜单规格页面, 规格由单选和多选两个部分组成, 我们希望通过改善动效交互体验来减少用户漏选和信息过载的问题,从而提升用户选择菜品规格的流畅度.

I faced the challenge of leading a project from 0 to 1 without prior work experience, collaborating with numerous stakeholders, and delivering design outputs and development for both PC and mobile platforms. This was a difficult process, but over the 8-month project cycle, I developed my own workflow, delving deeply into every stage from user research to implementation.
As a junior student, this was an invaluable opportunity. Working in a complex stakeholder environment, I have grown into a designer capable of effectively collaborating with multiple cross-functional and product teams to achieve common goals. Every interaction and progress presentation during this internship significantly enhanced my professionalism and efficiency.
One of my most enjoyable experiences was our weekly team critique meetings, where we brainstormed together, faced challenges collectively, and made progress as a team.

Explore My Projects

Project for a Digital Brand